Hire, Rent, Lease or Buy 

No Nasty Contracts!




Just one months notice of termination to be given by either party

Because we are confident that once you engage Ambience you will have no reason

to want to change we have very easy terms & conditions.

Hire includes - Weekly watering, feeding, cleaning leaves, pruning and replacement

of plants to ensure an exceptional standard at all times.

Owner operated, friendly & always discreet,

We are happy to meet your plant requirements at any time.

Please contact Nicky for a free on site consultation

Email:   or  Ph: 021-845-979


Grow your own fresh air!

Plants are sound buffers, room deodorisers & just naturally make us all feel great!

Their sophisticated ability to take carbon dioxide & other nasty chemicals from the

environment makes them suppliers of oxygen & air cleaners to boot!

Some of the many plants you will find at Ambience .....

Mother-in-law's tongue, Kentia palm, Rubber trees, Money tree, Yucca, Anthirium, orchids, cacti, peace lilly,

Dracaena,Bromeliads, Lucky bamboo, Funky Ficus jade plant, palm trees, .

Our skilled staff will help you choose the plants that best suit your needs and your environment.

Plants are an important element in any design,

strengthening the relationship between the interior and exterior landscape.

They can be a stand alone feature or grouped together to provide living screens or to section off specific areas.


Desk plant

Call or email for your free on site consultation

Ph Nicola on 388 8989 - 021 845 979   Or email:

Ambience Interior Foliage Design.

Superior suppliers of plants and containers
Our elegant planters and beautiful, lush, vibrant plants

will transform your work environment


We take pride in our delivery service.

Our plant care services always beat the competition in service, quality, and overall value

Turn your place into a green space!


                                                                                                              Phone. 04 388 8989    email: